Funding Opportunities

How To Apply


From 22 February 2024, BBSRC has revised the PoC, BIV and FMA grant conditions for the six OIRC Hubs. All forms, guidelines and information regarding funding have now been updated on this website. Thank you.

The Biofortification Hub Manager

The Biofortification Hub offers funding to support innovative research, collaboration and mobility between Academia and Industry including the following:

2025 Funding calls:

In addition to research projects focusing on the Biofortification of food, feed and fodder, the 2025 funding call will also welcome applications focusing on the social and policy aspects of crop and food biofortification in two main areas: Consumer education focused on the benefits of Biofortification and Inclusion of Biofortification in institutional meals.

  • PoC : call opened 01-02-2025 – deadline to submit proposal 25-04-2025 (18:00 GMT)
  • BIV : call opened 01-02-2025 – deadline to submit proposal 25-04-2025 (18:00 GMT)
  • FMA : open call (all year) – applications reviewed every 2 months

You can check your eligibility to receive funding using our quick online test

Projects funded by the Biofortification Hub:

In 2023 the Biofortification Hub provided BBSRC funding to five academic groups in collaboration with nine companies for a total of £232K.

  • Maximising nutrient levels in seaweeds. PoC project starting 01/10/2023 (duration 12 months). University of Aberdeen in collaboration with New Wave Foods Ltd.
  • Sustainable biofortification solutions for Scottish soft fruit and vertical farming food production. PoC project starting 01/11/2023 (duration 12 months). University of Aberdeen in collaboration with Pictish Worms Ltd, Intelligent Growth Solutions, R&N Cessford Farm and Castleton Fruit Ltd.
  • Omega-3 enhanced tomatoes (O3TOM). PoC project starting 01/10/2023 (12 months). Rothamsted Research and John Innes Centre (Norwich) in collaboration with Norfolk Plant Sciences Ltd.
  • Applications of high-amylose wheat flour to deliver healthier ready-to-eat sandwich bread. BIV project starting 31/01/2024 (duration 6 months). Quadram Institute Bioscience (Norwich) in collaboration with AB Mauri UK & Ireland (Cereform Ltd.) and Bay State Milling.
  • Elevating Omega-3 Fatty Acid, Vitamin E and Microelement content of Eggs, supporting Diet, Climate and Biodiversity Targets (lOVEMEggs). BIV project starting 16/10/2023 (duration 6 months). University of Aberdeen in collaboration with Duncan Farms Limited.

In 2024 the Biofortification Hub provided BBSRC funding to four academic groups in collaboration with four companies for a total of £232K.

  • Investigating a novel method to increase resistant starch in wheat by increasing starch granule size. PoC project starting 01/10/2024 (duration 8 months). John Innes Centre and Quadram Institute (Norwich) in collaboration with Limagrain.
  • Optimising encapsulation methods to preserve botanical bioactives from nettle. BIV project starting 01/09/2024 (duration 9 months). Aberystwyth University in collaboration with Cleobury Project Management.
  • NutriSusLeg: Nutritious Sustainable Legumes. PoC project starting 01/10/2024 (12 months). University of Lincoln in collaboration with Recycled Crop Nutrients Ltd.
  • Vitamin D biofortification of pork: a route to commercialisation for targeted products (Pork-BioD). PoC project starting 01/11/2024 (12 months). Ulster University in collaboration with Humanativ Ltd.
Work placements (FMA) funded by the Biofortification Hub:

In 2024 the Biofortification Hub provided BBSRC funding for three placements for a total of £48K (ongoing).

  • Applicant from Tetrim Teas undertaking a placement with Aberystwyth University (2024)
  • Applicant from Cleobury Project Management undertaking a placement with Aberystwyth University (2024)
  • Applicant from the John Innes Centre undertaking a placement with HarvestPlus (2024)
Workshops funded by the Biofortification Hub:

In 2024 the Biofortification Hub provided BBSRC funding for two workshops organised by Hub members for a total of £9K.

  • Workshop #3 – Rules and regulations for biofortified commodities in the UK (16 September 2024), London Metropolitan University, UK.
  • Workshop #4 – Stimulating adoption and production of biofortified feed and food for the UK (17 September 2024), London Metropolitan University, UK.
Related Funding opportunities:

Opportunities from other food networks or from the other five hubs in the OIRC initiative on Diet and Health are listed here.

How to apply:

  1. Become a Biofortification Hub member (encouraged) – it’s free and only takes two minutes to register*
  2. Check your eligibility to receive funding using our quick online test
  3. Check the details and instructions for each call
  4. Submit your grant application form and additional information before the call deadline
  5. Contact the hub manager for any question that you may have

* Members will be kept up to date about workshops, meetings, events and funding opportunities with regular newsletters. Membership is encouraged when applying for funding or attending the biofortification Hub’s large Community meetings. Membership is required for attending workshops and receiving funding from the Hub.