
2023 Biofortification Hub outcomes:
  • Funding : the Hub provided BBSRC funding to five academic groups in collaboration with nine companies to undertake research projects for a total of £232K.
  • Workshop: Biofortification Hub Launch Meeting, 13 February 2023, The Royal Society, London, UK (24 attendees)
  • First Biofortification Hub Community Meeting : “Improving Health and Nutrition through Biofortification”, John Innes Conference Centre, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, UK, 29-30 November 2023. 86 participants, with 17 talks covering a wide range of topics on biofortification, with an emphasis on showcasing opportunities, exciting UK science and industry participation / products.
  • Bursaries : Four bursaries, co-funded by the Hub and our industry partners, were awarded to support UK students and Early Career Researchers to attend the First Biofortification Hub Community Meeting “Improving Health and Nutrition through Biofortification” (29-30 November 2023) Norwich, UK.
2024 Biofortification Hub outcomes:
  • Funding Projects : the Hub provided BBSRC funding to four academic groups in collaboration with four companies to undertake research projects for a total of £232K.
  • Funding Placements (ongoing) : the Hub provided BBSRC funding to three secondees for placements in either academia or industry for a total of £48K.
  • WorkshopRules, Regulations & Acceptability of Biofortification: A Joint STAR Hub and Biofortification Hub Workshop, 22 May 2024, The Royal Society, London, UK (26 attendees, 3 discussion groups).
  • Workshop: Rules and regulations for biofortified commodities in the UK, 16 September 2024, London Metropolitan University, UK. Workshop project from Jenny Walton (HarvestPlus) funded by the Biofortification Hub. Organisers Hamid Ghoddusi and Jenny Walton (13 attendees, 3 discussion groups).
  • Workshop: Stimulating adoption and production of biofortified feed and food for the UK, 17 September 2024, London Metropolitan University, UK. Workshop project from Hamid Ghoddusi (LMU) and Jenny Walton (HarvestPlus) funded by the Biofortification Hub. Leads and organisers Hamid Ghoddusi and Jenny Walton (21 attendees, 3 discussion groups).