Workshop – 22 May 2024

Rules, Regulations & Acceptability of Biofortification: A Joint STAR Hub and Biofortification Hub Workshop.

The Royal Society, London, UK (26 attendees, 3 discussion groups, event organised by the Biofortification Hub and STAR Hub).

Students and Early Career Researchers (ECRs): support was provided by the Biofortification and STAR Hubs to O. Fagunwa, (Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland) to attend this event.

Discussion Group 1: The case for Biofortification (Lead: C. Martin, John Innes Centre).
Discussion Group 2: Rules and regulations on Biofortification (Lead: R. Mumford, Food Standards Agency).
Discussion Group 3: Acceptability of Biofortification (Lead: S. Kuznesof, Newcastle University).