Hub bursaries & financial support
The Biofortification Hub, with support from our industry partners, offers bursaries to widen participation and remove barriers to attendance at our meetings and workshops.
UK-based students and Early Career Researchers (ECRs) will be able to apply online for bursaries for travel, meals and accommodation using the form below.
In addition the Biofortification Hub may also be able to provide financial support to students and ECRs to attend our events on a case by case basis. Please contact the Hub manager for more information.
Please read our Privacy Notice before completing the form.
Previous bursary opportunities co-funded by our industry partners
Bursaries awarded in November 2023:
These bursaries were awarded to support UK students and Early Career Researchers to attend the First Biofortification Hub Community Meeting “Improving Health and Nutrition through Biofortification” at the John Innes Conference Centre (Norwich Research Park, Norwich, UK) on 29-30 November 2023.
Four bursaries were awarded to:
- B. Mogeni (The University of Sheffield, England) “Bursary to attend the 2023 Biofortification Hub Community Meeting co-funded by AgriFood X Limited, York, UK.”
- K. Pourshahidi (Ulster University, Northern Ireland) “Bursary to attend the 2023 Biofortification Hub Community Meeting co-funded by PepsiCo International Limited, UK.”
- M. Benlloch-Tinoco (Northumbria University, England) “Bursary to attend the 2023 Biofortification Hub Community Meeting co-funded by PepsiCo International Limited, UK.”
- A. Niklewicz (University of Surrey, England) – “Bursary to attend the 2023 Biofortification Hub Community Meeting co-funded by AAH Software Ltd, Norwich, UK.”

Hub Financial support to Students and ECRs
Three students / Early Career Researchers (ECRs) from the UK received financial support to attend Biofortification Hub workshops in 2024.
- O. Fagunwa (Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland) : Financial support to attend the Workshop “Rules, Regulations & Acceptability of Biofortification: A Joint STAR Hub and Biofortification Hub Workshop”, 22 May 2024, The Royal Society, London, UK.
- B. Mogeni (The University of Sheffield, England): Financial support to attend the Workshop “Rules and regulations for biofortified commodities in the UK”, 16 September 2024, London Metropolitan University, UK.
- B. Mogeni (The University of Sheffield, England): Financial support to attend the Workshop “Stimulating adoption and production of biofortified feed and food for the UK”, 17 September 2024, London Metropolitan University, UK.
Form to apply for a Bursary – next call “to be announced in 2024”
Please read our Privacy Notice before completing the form.