Biofortification Hub Workshops
The Hub will organise eight workshops (up to 21 participants each) from 2023 to 2027.
Next Hub Workshop:
To be announced.
Workshop #1 (13 February 2023):
Biofortification Hub Launch Meeting. The Royal Society, London, UK (24 attendees, event organised by the Biofortification Hub).
Workshop #2 (22 May 2024):
Rules, Regulations & Acceptability of Biofortification: A Joint STAR Hub and Biofortification Hub Workshop. The Royal Society, London, UK (26 attendees, 3 discussion groups, event organised by the Biofortification Hub and STAR Hub).
Workshop #3 (16 September 2024):
Rules and regulations for biofortified commodities in the UK. London Metropolitan University, UK. Workshop project from Jenny Walton (HarvestPlus) funded by the Biofortification Hub. Lead and organiser Hamid Ghoddusi (LMU) and Jenny Walton (13 attendees, 3 discussion groups).
Workshop #4 (17 September 2024):
Stimulating adoption and production of biofortified feed and food for the UK. London Metropolitan University, UK. Workshop project from Hamid Ghoddusi (LMU) and Jenny Walton (HarvestPlus) funded by the Biofortification Hub. Leads and organisers Hamid Ghoddusi and Jenny Walton (21 attendees, 3 discussion groups).
Apply to a Biofortification Hub Workshop
You can apply for free to any workshop but you need to be a member of the biofortification hub to attend. Applications will be reviewed by the organisers and you will receive confirmation by email if your application has been successful.
Step 1 – Apply For Membership
Use the online membership registration form.
It’s open and free and only takes two minutes to complete. You will not receive a confirmation email. Then go straight to step 2
Step 2 – Apply to attend the workshop
Please read our Privacy Notice before completing the form.